Friday 23 March 2012

the creative team - choreographic assistant

Guillaume Marie- Assistant Choreographry


Guillaume Marie was born in Caen in 1980 and currently lives in Paris. He studied at the Ballet School of The Paris Opera between 1990 and 1995 (director Claude Bessy) and at the Conservatory National of Music and Dance in Paris between 1995 and 1999 (director Quentin Rouiller) where he graduated. Right after his last year at the CSMDP Guillaume headed to
contemporary dance.

In 2000 he began his career as a dancer/performer with Maryse Delente/Ballet du Nord, then left France and worked for few years in Holland with Itzik Galili/Galili Dance, Suzy Blok, Martin Butler, Piet Rogie/Rogie Company.

Through these works, Guillaume began to confront himself with more theatrical scores, and the Body Art aspect of Performance.
In 2003 he met Jan Fabre, for which he had a great curiosity since his studies at the Conservatory and played in Je suis sang in Avignon, Antwerp, New York, Tokyo, Melbourne, Barcelona and Mullhouse until 2007. This collaboration was the opportunity to question and push his own boundaries and to deepen his experience in improvisation.

He participated in other projects in Belgium with Thierry Smits/Compagnie Thor (Reliefs of a banquet) and Claudio Bernardo (The library).

Back to France, he played in the piece created by Herve Koubi Abattoirs…..fantaisies in 2006. In 2007-2008, he had the lead role in Guilherme Botelho’s/Alias Compagnie Approcher la poussière, a dance-theater piece which premiered at the «Festival de la Bâtie» in Geneva.

He also performed in the singing tour conceived by Jonathan Capdevielle Jonathan’s covering created in Tanz In August (Berlin) in 2007. Impressed by the universe of the choreographer/director/visual artist Gisèle Vienne, Guillaume joined her and Dennis Cooper on the project Kindertotenlieder (Premiere in Brest, Antipodes 2007). A piece combining dance, literature, music and puppets in which he experimented new qualities as a performer and dancer. He continued his collaboration with Gisèle Vienne and interpreted Showroomdummies (creation Antipodes 2009 in collaboration with Etienne Bideau-Rey). Both shows are currently on tour.

Since 2005, Guillaume develops the artistic projects of Tazcorp, a company created in collaboration with costume designer Cédrick Debeuf (Dior, Lacroix...) and with various international artists coming from many different fields such as dance, performance, philosophy, make-up, music, video and theater. His work, at the intersection of several disciplines expressed though various mediums questions the Human, its social framework, fantasies, and its inconsistencies.

Specifically, Guillaume is inspired by various famous and highly symbolic news events and further more by how politics can be embodied though poetry, visual theater and choreography. He likes to investigate them in relationship with the body, in order to question and to create some abstract or symbolic material where facts and fictions are structured in a dramaturgical maze.


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